SS-Mann. Karl Johannes Jung

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SS-Mann Karl Johannes Jung was a member of the SS-Sonderregiment Dirlewanger (1943). He was imprisoned in Buchenwald Concentration Camp as a career criminal under the Nazi judicial system from September 11, 1939, until his release on June 11, 1943. After his release from Buchenwald, he was sent to join the SS-Sonderregiment Dirlewanger.
  • The Waffen-SS was the combat branch of the paramilitary SS organization of Nazi Germany during World War II. The uniform shown here consists of a camouflage smock with a low cut neck opening, which is closed by a lace up system, worn over a field tunic. The Waffen-SS displayed function or assignment on the right collar tab and rank on the left collar tab. Shown are tabs for the SS-Sonderregiment Dirlewanger and SS-Mann. The field cap (German: Feldmütze) is of a side cap/garrison cap type (Schiffchen) and bears the SS style German national eagle-and-swastika emblem (Hoheitszeichen, Mützenadler, SS-Adler) along with the SS death's head insignia (Totenkopf skull).
  • The soldier is armed with an MP 35 submachine gun and carries two stick hand grenades (Stielhandgranaten) stuck in his waist belt, which is equipped with cartridge pouches for a Mauser Karabiner 98k rifle.
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