341 x 425 Pixel (14226 Bytes)
en:Sadeq Hedayat (1903-1951), Iranian writer. This picture is taken in Paris in 1307 Hijri Shamsi equivalent to 1929 or 1928
Komentář k Licence:
This work is now in the public domain in Iran, because according to the Law for the Protection of Authors, Composers and Artists Rights (1970) its term of copyright has expired for one of the following reasons:
- The creator(s) died before 22 August 1980, for works that their copyright expired before 22 August 2010 according to the 1970 law.
- The creator(s) died more than 50 years ago. (Reformation of article 12 - 22 August 2010)
In the following cases works fall into the public domain after 30 years from the date of publication or public presentation (Article 16):
- Photographic or cinematographic works.
- In cases where the work belongs to a legal person or rights are transferred to a legal person.
The media description page should identify which reason applies.
Public domain
A gallery of a site for Sadeq Hedayat. This picture had been published in his books too. [1]
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Sádek HedájatSádek Hedájat, persky صادق هدایت byl íránský spisovatel, dramatik, publicista a překladatel. .. pokračovat ve čtení