Salat positions
Sureyya Aydin, Norway
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1630 x 2225 Pixel (356894 Bytes)
The Raka of the islamic prayer Salat:
- a: Lifting my hands;
- b: my right hand around my left wrist;
- c: bending in my hips, my hands on my knees;
- d: standing right, to
- e: fall down on my knees, forehead and hands to the ground;
- f: lifting my upper body, sitting on my heels, with hands on knees;
- g: bowing down again, forehead and hands to the ground;
- h: upright to a sitting position.
Raka 2: turning my head to the right and left to greet the angles and my fellows in faith
Komentář k Licence:
given in email to the uploader (User:Orland) june 2nd 2007
Original drawing by Sureyya Aydin, 1992, first published in the educational book Inn i det ukjente, by NRK (Norwegian broadcasting corporation)
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Salát (islám)Salá je označení povinných denních modliteb muslima, které jsou jedním z pěti pilířů islámu. .. pokračovat ve čtení