Scelidosaurus harrisonii (1)

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In 2000 a virtually complete Scelidosaurus skeleton was discovered in England. This fossil's hundreds of armor plates and spikes are preserved in their life positions, providing extraordinary details about how this dinosaur looked. St. George is the only place anywhere in the Western Hemisphere that the 11-foot long Scelidosaurus replica has been on display.

The St. George Dinosaur Discovery Site at Johnson Farm (St. George, Utah) is home to exceptionally well-preserved dinosaur tracks, some displaying skin impressions. These tracks, along with hundreds of fossil fish, plants, rare dinosaur remains, invertebrates traces and important sedimentary structures, show evidence that this site was produced along the western edge of a large, Early Jurassic (age between 195-198 million years ago) freshwater lake named Lake Dixie.

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Scelidosaurus byl rod vývojově primitivního ptakopánvého, potenciálně ankylosaurního dinosaura. .. pokračovat ve čtení