Serbia-0336 - Petrovaradin Fortress (7355256834)

Dennis G. Jarvis
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A long tunnel that goes to the fortress.

Petrovaradin Fortress is a fortress in Novi Sad, on the right bank of the Danube river. The cornerstone of the present-day southern part of the fortress was laid on October 18, 1692. Petrovaradin Fortress has many underground tunnels as well (16 km of underground countermine system).

Recent archeological discoveries have offered a new perspective not only on the history of Petrovaradin, but on the entire region. At the Upper Fortress, the remains of an earlier Paleolithic settlement dating from 19,000 to 15,000 BC has been discovered. With this new development it has been established that there has been a continuous settlement at this site from the Paleolithic age to the present. During the excavations carried out in 2005, archeologists also discovered another significant find. Examining remains from the early Bronze age (c. 3000 BC), ramparts were discovered which testify that already at that time a fortified settlement existed at the Petrovaradin site.
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