750 x 485 Pixel (74230 Bytes)
In 1853, the paddle steamer Soembing, named after a volcano on Java, arrived at Nagasaki. Naval captain Gerhardus Fabius was sent by the Dutch government to introduce the Japanese to navigation techniques. He used the Soembing to give practical lessons in the bay of Nagasaki. On 5 Otcober 1855, the supreme headman or ‘Opperhoofd’ of Deshima, Jan Hendrik Donker Curtius, presented the Japanese government with the Soembing on behalf of King William II. The ship was renamed Kanko-maru. With this gift, the Dutch intended to surpass other Western countries in generosity. In the Netherlands, this led to heated debates between the House of Representatives and the government. Many members of the House considered it unacceptable for a Minister to just give an expensive warship to another country like that.
Public domain
This digital media file - and/or the physical objects depicted on it - originates from the digital and/or physical collections of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, national library of the Netherlands.
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