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The STS-107 patch
The STS-114 patch design signifies the return of the Space Shuttle to flight and honors the memory of the Columbia crew, lost February 1, 2003.
The blue Shuttle rising above Earth's horizon includes the Columba constellation of seven stars, echoing the Columbia STS-107 patch and commemorating those seven crewmembers. The dominant element of the patch is the Earth, representing the unity and dedication of the many people whose efforts allow the Shuttle to return safely to flight. Against the nighttime Earth, the blue orbit represents the International Space Station, with the Shuttle crew spacewalk team named on the orbit. The red sun as the O in Noguchi signifies the contributions of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency to the mission and to the ISS program. The multi-colored Shuttle plume represents the spectrum of challenges for this mission, including Shuttle inspection and repair experiments, International Space Station resupply and repair, and testing of new safety procedures.
Eileen Collins, STS-114 commander, said NASA is determined to make each successive Shuttle mission safer. "We're going to do something better on every flight." She said the crew will carry the memory of their friends on Columbia and the legacy of their mission back into Earth orbit. "We'll be remembering the Columbia crew during our mission," Collins said. "And I know that they're up there watching us, and watching the Shuttles get back into space again."
Public domain
The image is from [1], specifically sts114-s-001.jpg. alternative
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