Suhongtu site - Sinornithomimus quarry
David J. Varricchio, Paul C. Sereno, Zhao Xi-jin, Tan Lin Jeffrey A. Wilson & Gabrielle H. Lyon
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Suhongtu site, partial quarry map, locality map, and orientation data. A. Map of the central and northern portions of site showing the position of 12 of 13 skeletons. Skeletons 3 and 4 enlarged in Fig. 3. B. Fossil locality (41°17’ 10”N, 103°52’38”E) located 90 km northwest of Bayan Mod, InnerMongolia, China. C. Rose−diagram showing trends for skeletons (black, numbers denote skeleton count) and ripples (white). D. Mirror rose−diagram of elongated, isolated elements (n=13). Trends of skeletons have a strong, non−random (p<0.002) alignment to southeast. Flow direction of ripples is roughly perpendicular to that of elongate elements.
(2008). "Mud-Trapped Herd Captures Evidence of Distinctive Dinosaur Sociality". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 53 (4): 567–578. DOI:10.4202/app.2008.0402. ISSN 0567-7920.