Supersaurus dinosaur

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Supersaurus (meaning "super lizard") was a diplodocid dinosaur discovered in a rock formation in the U.S. state of Colorado in 1972, alongside bones of a Brachiosaurus. The holotype of Supersaurus is a large Scapular measuring about 2.4 meters long, making it taller than most adult humans. A few other bones from the quarry were referred to Supersaurus such as an ischium, pubis, a pelvis and various vertebra.

In 2007 WDC DMJ-021 more complete diplodocid specimen was referred to Supersaurus. Supersaurus may have been up to 34 meters (112 feet) long, making it the largest member of the diplodocid family known from relatively complete remains.

Image Information.

• Based on a skeletal drawing by Scott Hartman, which is primarily based on WDC DMJ-021 (Jimbo) [1], with posture modified based on Vidal et al. 2020. [2][3]
• The dermal spines shown here aren't known in Supersaurus but these are known from another diplodocid, probably Kaatedocus. Their arrangement on the body is speculative.
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Flagellicaudata byl početný klad sauropodních dinosaurů, žijících v období rané jury až rané křídy. Do této skupiny patří velmi známé a populární rody sauropodů, jako je Apatosaurus, Diplodocus, Dicraeosaurus, Amargasaurus a mnohé další. Jedni z nejdelších známých dinosaurů, jako je rod Supersaurus s délkou až kolem 40 metrů, patří také do tohoto kladu. Tento sauropod mohl být podle novějších zjištění dlouhý asi 39 až 42 metrů, což by z něho patrně činilo nejdelšího dosud známého obratlovce vůbec. .. pokračovat ve čtení