Tamarro holotype

Albert G. Sellés, Bernat Vila, Stephen L. Brusatte, Philip J. Currie & Àngel Galobart
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The European troodontid Tamarro insperatus (MCD-7073) gen. et sp. nov. from the uppermost Maastrichtian of the Tremp Group, Tremp Basin, Southern Pyrenees. Photographic and interpretative ilustrations of the right second metatarsal in anterior (A-A’), lateral (B-B’), posterior (C–C’), medial (D-D’), and distal (F-F’) views. Scheme illustrating the gradual transition of the articular surface–grey arrow–for the accommodation of the metatarsal III (E). Detail of the distal end of the metatarsal II in anterior view showing the anterior contact surface of the metatarsal III (G). Detail of the articular surface of the metatarsal IV in the posterodistal part of the second metatarsal (H) ant anterior; f foramen; lat lateral; lc medial condyle; mc, lateral condyle; II–III contact between the second and third metatarsals; II–IV contact between the second and fourth metatarsals; plr plantar ridge; s sulcus.
(2021). "A fast-growing basal troodontid (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the latest Cretaceous of Europe". Scientific Reports 11: 4855. DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-83745-5.
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