Tarquin and the Eagle
Helene Guerber
352 x 554 Pixel (163240 Bytes)
This elementary history of Rome presents short stories of the great heroes, mythical and historical, from Aeneas and the founding of Rome to the fall of the western empire. Around the famous characters of Rome are graphically grouped the great events with which their names will forever stand connected. Vivid descriptions bring to life the events narrated, making history attractive to the young, and awakening their enthusiasm for further reading and study.
Public domain
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Tarquinius PriscusLucius Tarquinius Priscus, nebo také Tarquinius Starší, byl legendárním pátým římským králem. Vládl v letech 616–579 př. n. l. Jeho ženou byla Tanaquil, která byla stejně jako on původem z Etrurie. .. pokračovat ve čtení