Temple St Athanasius and Theodosius Cherepovetsky

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Temple St Athanasius and Theodosius CHEREPOVETSKY. Athanasius, nicknamed "Ironstaff" and Theodosius Cherepovets - disciples of St. Sergius. They settled in Novgorod on the edge of the Cherepovets tract, at the confluence of the river in the river Sheksna Yagorby where labored in monastic writings. Here they built a temple in the name of the Holy Trinity Monastery founded Resurrection Cherepovets. About Athanasia said in the church calendar chronicle "Reverend Athanasius hermit, the call Ironstaff, student byst holy Sergius the Wonderworker; reposed in summer 6900 (1392)." Cherepovskiy Resurrection Monastery was devastated to DOS per secution during the invasion of Lithuania, and therefore no information on the blessed its founders, but one inscription on a supplementary book in 1568: "This book is the holy abode of the Resurrection of Christ and the Holy Trinity and the captains of our venerable father Theodosius and Athanasius . "relics of St. Athanasius and Theodosius rest under a bushel and make local memory 25 September / 8 October and 26 November / December 9.
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