Tetuharu Kawakami Photograh Taken by Jun Miki,1948

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The explanation by Miki is as follows. "I first used a strobe in 1948. I was working for an American INP news agency at the time, and I was written by a baseball critic named Daisuke Miyake, who was the director of the former giant army. There was a request in the book "Batting Theory" to photograph Tetsuharu Kawakami, who had just returned to the Giants.

I took a picture of Kawakami's shirtless swinging bat and the best opportunity to use one strobe at INP.

This strobe emits a flash of 1 / 100,000 seconds, so the bat of Kawakami, who is shaking strongly, was captured exactly, and the moment that could not be captured by the flash bulb was captured. "NIKKPR CLUB" No.136, 1991 Spring
Public domain
『カメラ 特集号ポーズと採光』アルス、1950年2月10日
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