The Falkirk Roll of Arms - Panel 1 - La Vaunt Garde

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The Falkirk Roll of Arms - Panel 1 - La Vaunt Garde

21 shields (as reading order):

  • 1:
  • 2:
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  • 16:Henry de Grey, 1st Baron Grey of Codnor (d.1308), who was at the Siege of Caerlaverock with his cousin John de Grey (d.1311) of Rotherfield
  • 17:
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  • 20: Argent, a chevron gules (Tyeys/Teyes), as seen on seal of w:Henry de Teyes, 1st Baron Teyes (d.1307) of Chilton Foliat (eldest son of Henry de Teyes and Joan de Foliot), on the Barons' Letter to the Pope (1301) seal circumscribed "HENRICUS DE TEIHEIS", Latinised to "de Teutonicus" and as blazoned in the Caerlaverock Roll (1300) and the Falkirk Roll (1298). Alice de Teyes, sister and heiress of w:Henry de Teyes, 2nd Baron Teyes (1285-1322) (issue of the 1st Baron), married Warin de Lisle of Kingston Lisle. A new Barony of "Teyes" was created in 1660 for George Monck (Cokayne, G. E. & Geoffrey H. White, eds. (1959). The Complete Peerage, or a history of the House of Lords and all its members from the earliest times, volume XII part 2: Tracton to Zouche. 12.2 (2nd ed.). London: The St. Catherine Press, p.105, note (e), re "Baron Tyeys")
  • 21:

SOURCE: Gough, Henry (1888) Scotland in 1298. Documents Relating to the Campaign of King Edward the First, Londýn: Alexander Gardner, pp. 131−157 ISBN: 0853880107.
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