The literary digest (1890) (14783296155)
Identifier: literarydigest60newy (find matches)
Title: The literary digest
Year: 1890 (1890s)
Publisher: New York : Funk & Wagnalls (etc.)
Contributing Library: Robarts - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto
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nd flexible. It ridessmoothly over rough pavements without weavingand creaking, because its frame is as rigid as abridge girder. Wont-You Also Ride In the Essex? Here we have told you more of the Essex thanthe hundreds of dealers who are to sell it knewuntil they had ridden in it. They have done business with us for years andhave known of the coming of the Essex for morethan two years. But they had no idea that itwould be so beautiful and efficient. Their enthu-siasm, when they had ridden in it, was greaterthan we had ever known them to manifest for anew car. You will be just as enthusiastic as theywere. We know you will, for a quarter of amillion motorists just like yourself have alreadyshown what they think of it. A thousand Essex dealers now have theirdemonstrating cars. You can find anEssex in almost every locality. Untilyou have ridden in the Essex you willnot know what strides have been madein motor car design during the pasttwo years. 52 The Lheraiy Digest for Februaiy 22, 1919
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iI Internal heat and friction,enemies of tires as of engines,are minimized in Federal Cordtires because the various layersof loose cords are impregnatedwith live rubber. These cordlayers are built up diagonallyand make possible greater resili-ency, which in turn produceseasier riding, saves wear andtear and protects the tirescarcass from the; disintegratingeffect of frictional heat. INSTEAD of being cured inrigid metallic molds with atendency to produce uneven cordtension, every Federal Cord tireis vulcanized under internal airpressure. In this way, all tensionand service strains are equallydistributed between every cordin the tire. 1 HE Double-Cabe-Base holdsthe tire permanently correct toits rim and permits the use of asoft bead filler instead of a hardfiller. 1 HIS avoids the possibility ofside-wall chafing that oftencauses blow-outs above the rim, JdESIDES the black non-skidFederal Cord tire there are thewhite non-skid Rugged Treadand black Traffik Tread withour exclusive Double-C
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Pneumatikový kordPneumatikový kord je označení pro plošnou výztuž gumárenských výrobků. S kordy se vyztužují pneumatiky všech druhů vozitel, dopravní pásy, hadice aj. .. pokračovat ve čtení