Titanic's cherub

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There is an alternate theory as to what happened to the grand staircase that has growing support. During the filming of the 1997 movie, a sinking set had been constructed with a wooden replica of the grand staircase. As they submerged the set during filming, the grand staircase broke away from the framework. Eyewitness reports from the sinking and analysis of the wreck support, but do not prove, that the grand staircase floated out as the ship sank. The wreck lacks sufficient debris at the bottom floor to account for the staircase disintegrating and in nearby rooms traces of wood are readily seen . Only locating the bronze fixtures would prove whether it disintegrated in place or floated out. The aft grand staircase was torn apart as the Titanic broke up shortly before sinking. Much of the wood and other debris found floating after the sinking is thought to have come from the aft staircase.
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(c) Colin Chou, CC BY-SA 3.0

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