Torrie Wilson

Airman 1st Class Nicholas Pilch
1494 x 2019 Pixel (1032176 Bytes)
Torrie Wilson, a World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. star poses for a photo with Airman 1st Class Michael Lewis of the 437th Aerial Port Squadron at the Charleston Air Force Base, S.C., passenger terminal. The 437th APS hosts the WWE stars and crew before a flight to Ramstein Air Base, Germany, Dec. 5, 2006. The WWE is performing for troops deployed overseas during a holiday tour put together by Armed Forces Entertainment. This will be the fourth time the WWE has teamed with Armed Forces Entertainment to entertain deployed troops.
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(c) Luigi Novi, CC BY 3.0

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Torrie Wilsonová

Torrie Anne Wilson je americká profesionální wrestlerka a modelka. Je známá hlavně díky účinkování v World Championship Wrestling (WCW) a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), kde během svého osmiletého působení byla členkou rosteru SmackDown i Raw. .. pokračovat ve čtení