TravelkindSign-1996ts-P1450108 (41557565551)
Travelkind sign next to one of the priority seats on a London Underground Jubilee Line 1996 tube stock train. This image shows the sign when the train was calling at a station and sliding doors were open.
The idea is to encourage able-bodied passengers to vacate the adjacent priority seat if someone who cannot stand boards the train. The priority seats are located at the ends of the rows of seats where there is an easily reached grab rail that the passenger can use to help them stand up when they wish to vacate the seat.
From what I recall these signs are only near the single leaf doors at the end of the tube cars. There are just two signs per car, one at each end and one on each side (front right, back left according to direction of travel) - and none at the driver's cab end of DM's at the train ends. Maybe this will change at a later date.Relevantní obrázky
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