Troops returning from shore in landing craft after raiding the Lofoten islands, Norway, 4 March 1941. A3321

Coote, R G G (Lt), Royal Navy official photographer
2459 x 1772 Pixel (1413228 Bytes)
Troops returning from shore in landing craft after raiding the Lofoten islands, Norway, 4 March 1941.
Troops returning from shore in landing craft personnel (ramped) on their return from the Lofoten islands, Norway, where troops were landed to blow up the oil tanks. Smoke can be seen rising from the shore.
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This image was created and released by the Imperial War Museum on the IWM Non Commercial Licence. Photographs taken, or artworks created, by a member of the forces during their active service duties are covered by Crown Copyright provisions. Faithful reproductions may be reused under that licence, which is considered expired 50 years after their creation.
Public domain
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