Ulma Family

Blessed Józef Ulma ([1])
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Blesseds Ulma family (Polish: Rodzina Ulmów) or Blesseds Józef and Wiktoria Ulma with Seven Children (Polish: Józef i Wiktoria Ulmowie z siedmiorgiem dzieci) were a Polish Catholic family in Markowa, Poland, during the Nazi German occupation in World War II who attempted to rescue Polish Jewish families by hiding them in their own home during the The Holocaust in Poland.

The couple and their children were summarily executed on 24 March 1944 for doing so. Notably, despite the murder of the Ulmas — meant to strike fear into the hearts of villagers — their neighbours continued to hide Jewish fugitives until the end of World War II in Europe. At least 21 Polish Jews survived in Markowa during the occupation of Poland by Nazi Germany.

They are regarded by the State of Israel as Righteous Among the Nations and were beatified in the Catholic Church by Cardinal Marcello Semeraro on behalf of Pope Francis on 10 September 2023, The beatification of the Ulma family is unique within the Catholic Church, as they are the first family to be beatified together in the history of the church in 21st century, their feast day is celebrated every year on 7 July.
Public domain
  • Mateusz Szpytma, Jarosław Szarek: Rodzina Ulmów. Kraków: Dom Wydawniczy RAFAEL, 2018, pp. 6-7.
  • apnews.com
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