United Kingdom general election 1910 December

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Map of the United Kingdom December 1910 general election results. Constituencies varied in the number of Member returned, with most constituencies returning 1 member, and the largest returning 2 members. Hatched colouring is used in constituencies returning members from separate parties. So, a 1:1 hatch indicates that 1 of the 2 members returned came from 1 party, with the remaining member coming from another. The colouring is also used to indicate this.
Constituency returned 1 Liberal
Constituency returned 2 Liberals
Constituency returned 1 Conservative
Constituency returned 2 Conservatives
Constituency returned 1 Irish Home Ruler/IPP
Constituency returned 2 Irish Home Ruler/IPP
Constituency returned 1 Liberal Unionist
Constituency returned 1 Independent Unionist
Constituency returned 1 Independent Nationalist
Constituency returned 1 Labourite
Constituency returned 1 Independent Labourite
Constituency returned 1 Independent Lib-Lab
Territory not represented in parliament (Isle of Man)
Vlastní dílo. Constituencies are based on 1885 H.M.S.O Boundary Commission Report maps. Also used this map series by Sam Blacketer and this map for coastlines/some boundaries.
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