Ve Day Celebrations in London, England, UK, 8 May 1945 D24584
Ministry of Information Photo Division Photographer
2480 x 1676 Pixel (1275921 Bytes)
Ve Day Celebrations in London, England, UK, 8 May 1945
A mounted policeman moves through crowds of people gathered in Whitehall, London, to hear Churchill's Victory speech and to celebrate Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945.
A mounted policeman moves through crowds of people gathered in Whitehall, London, to hear Churchill's Victory speech and to celebrate Victory in Europe Day, 8 May 1945.
Komentář k Licence:
This photograph was scanned and released by the Imperial War Museum on the IWM Non Commercial Licence. The image was catalogued by the IWM as created for the Ministry of Information, which was dissolved in 1946. Consequently the image and faithful reproductions are considered Crown Copyright, now expired as the photograph was taken prior to 1 June 1957.
Public domain
This photograph D 24584 comes from the collections of the Imperial War Museums. |
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AngličanéAngličané jsou základní germánskou etnickou složkou v Anglii, jednou ze zemí Spojeného království. Jejich jazykem je angličtina – germánský jazyk, který se stal nejpoužívanějším dorozumívacím prostředkem po celém světě. Celkový počet Angličanů je okolo 60 milionů, z toho 45 mil. v Anglii. Jejich potomci žijí např. v USA, Kanadě, Austrálii, Novém Zélandu či Jižní Africe. .. pokračovat ve čtení