Voyager 1 entering heliosheath region

NASA/Walt Feimer
2500 x 1687 Pixel (1832904 Bytes)
This image shows the locations of Voyagers 1 and 2. Voyager 1 is traveling a lot and has crossed into the heliosheath, the region where interstellar gas and solar wind start to mix.

Suggested for English Wikipedia:alternative text for images: orange area at left labeled Bow Shock appears to compress a pale blue oval-shaped region labeled Heliosphere extending to the right with its border labeled Heliopause. A central dark blue circular region is labeled Termination Shock with the gap between it and the Heliosphere labeled Heliosheath. Centred in the blue region is a concentric set of ellipses around a bright spot with two white lines curving away from it: the upper line labeled Voyager 1 ends outside the dark blue circle; the lower line labeled Voyager 2 appears inside.

Remark: This picture is from 2005. Today (3 October 2018) Voyager 1 is well beyond the Heliopause and Voyager 2 is about to cross the Heliopause soon (see the latest "3 October 2018" image).[1] Further, there has been evidence that the Bow Shock does not exist; whether the Heliosheath has this long of a tail is doubtful, too. It might be almost spherical.
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