Welcome to Hermosa Beach, California (6026561887)
The city is located in the South Bay region of the greater Los Angeles area and is one of the three Beach Cities. Hermosa Beach is bordered by the other two, Manhattan Beach to the north and Redondo Beach to the south and east.
The city's beach is popular for sunbathing, beach volleyball, surfing, paddleboarding and bars. The city itself extends only about 15 blocks from east to west and 40 blocks from north to south, with the Pacific Coast Highway running down the middle. Situated on the Pacific Ocean, Hermosa's average temperature is 70 degrees in the summer and 55 degrees in the winter. Westerly sea breezes lessen what can be high summertime temperatures in Los Angeles and elsewhere in the county and help keep the smog away 360 days of the year.
A paved path, called The Strand, runs along Hermosa's beach from Torrance Beach in the south approximately twenty miles north to Santa Monica and the Hermosa Beach pier is at the end of Pier Avenue, which is one of the beach community's main shopping, eating and partying areas.
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Hermosa BeachHermosa Beach je město v okrese Los Angeles County ve státě Kalifornie ve Spojených státech amerických. Žije zde přibližně 20 tisíc obyvatel a je tvořené rezidenčními oblastmi. Leží na pobřeží Tichého oceánu v jižní části zálivu Santa Monica Bay. Město se nachází v jižní části okresu, 25 kilometrů jihozápadně od centra Los Angeles, a je součástí metropolitní oblasti Greater Los Angeles. Sousedí s městy Manhattan Beach a Redondo Beach. .. pokračovat ve čtení