Yujist symbolic representation of reality

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The yujist vision of reality is symbolically represented by the figure of a flat earth sustained by three elephants, themselves sustained by a turtle which swims in an unlimited ocean: the flat earth represents the twofold structure of perception, ha 卍 (ха) and tha 卐 (тха) — articulating in all dualities, from "yes–no" to "up–down"; the three elephants symbolise the three dimensions of reality — Yav, Nav and Prav — material, ideal (which realises itself in words) and mystical reality, which are also three forms of being; and the turtle is yuj (юдж, also yudzh) itself, that is to say the awakened consciousness, which draws information from the ocean, which represents the infinite energy of God (the Ynglia).

Source: "Earth on three elephants (Земля на трёх слонах)" (archived 27/06/2017); Derzhava Rus.
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