01.Опит на Тисанди

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Mass suspended on thread (Tissandier experiment). A mass is suspended on a thread. Second thread is attached to the underside of the mass. If the lower thread is pulled with a big force, sharply, the lower thread breaks and the mass stays hanging on the upper thread. If the lower thread is pulled with a force that increases slowly, the upper thread breaks and the mass follows. In the first case, the big inertia of the mass and short time of the acting force doe not allow to transfer the effect of the force to the upper thread. In the second case, there is enough time to transfer the effect of the pulling force to the upper thread. Thus, the pulling force acts on the lower thread, while the pulling force and the gravitational force of the mass act on the upper thread and it brakes.
Experiment is performed and explained by Prof. Oliver Zajkov at the Physics Institute at the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia.
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