13. Електризација на електроскоп со инфлуенца
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Using an
electroscope to show
electrostatic induction. When the electroscope is touched with a negatively charged ebonitе rod, the electroscope stays permanently charged. When the rod is brought near the head of the electroscope (NO CONTACT), the electroscope again is charged. But when the rod is removed, the electroscope is neutral again. This phenomenon is called
electrostatic induction. In this case the object is charged only while there is a presence of the charged rod. Negative electrons are repelled by the negative rod and are concentrated in the leaves of the electroscope. Thus, they are negative, while the head of the electroscope is positive. It is similar when glass rod is used. Since it is positively charged, the electrons are attracted to the head and it acts like negative, while the leaves are positively charged.
When the rod is near the electroscope and if the experimenter touches the head of the electroscope, the negative electrons are repelled into the experimenter's body. When the experimenter removes the finger, the electroscope remains positive. Prepared, performed and explained by Prof. Oliver Zajkov at the Physics Institute at the
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Macedonia.
Více informací o licenci na obrázek naleznete zde. Poslední aktualizace: Mon, 19 Aug 2024 17:33:12 GMT
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Elektrostatická indukce
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