1936 Berlin Olympic logo
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607 x 600 Pixel (94964 Bytes)
1936 Summer Olympics badge
- sports.ha.com: 1936 Berlin Summer Olympics Sample Participant's Badge. Enameled bronze badge was submitted but not chosen as the design for the Berlin Games participant badge. Jarring juxtaposition of two very different symbols adorn the obverse. Brooch back. Diameter 45 mm.
- A circular badge featuring the text "1936 XI. Olympiade Berlin," along with a Nazi Germany eagle-and-swastika emblem (the sports federation's NSRL version of the national Reichsadler of the Third Reich), and Olympic rings (please note the interrupted middle ring).
- This emblem does not appear to have been officially adopted. The Olympic event was a massive propaganda spectacle aimed at foreign guests, but the Nazi regime was cautious about overexposing the swastika, which could provoke some, and instead used other non-political symbols and motifs like the Olympic rings and the Brandenburg Gate, or an eagle without a swastika.
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Letní olympijské hry 1936XI. letní olympijské hry 1936 se konaly v německém Berlíně od 1. srpna do 16. srpna 1936. Většina soutěží se konala na říšském sportovišti s olympijským stadionem v centru. Zúčastnilo se 3 963 sportovců ze 49 zemí, což byl nový rekord v historii olympijských her. .. pokračovat ve čtení