1992 QB1 crop

European Space Observatory/Alain Smette and Christian Vanderriest
900 x 900 Pixel (516006 Bytes)
This is a 5-min exposure photo of the probably most distant object known in the solar system. It was made on September 27, 1992, with the ESO 3.5 m New Technology Telescope at La Silla. These images were obtained by astronomers Alain Smette (ESO) and Christian Vanderriest (Observatorie de Meudon, Paris). The new object was discovered by American astronomers in late August 1992 and has been given the provisional designation 1992 QB1. The faint image of the 23-magnitude object is indicated by circles. The diameter is estimated as about 200 km. The very slow motion (about 75 arcseconds/day) corresponds to a distance of more than 6000 million km from the Sun. This places it just outside the orbit of the planet Pluto.
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Albion (planetka)

(15760) Albion, dříve provizorně označen 1992 QB1, je první objevené transneptunické těleso po Plutu a Charonu. Roku 1992 ho na observatoři Mauna Kea na Havaji objevili američtí astronomové Davidem Jewittem z Havajské univerzity a Jane Luuová z Kalifornské univerzity v Berkeley. Nyní je řazeno mezi tzv. klasická tělesa Kuiperova pásu, kterým se také podle jeho označení (QB1, anglická výslovnost ) přezdívá kubewana. .. pokračovat ve čtení