A map showing countries where public stoning is judicial or extrajudicial form of punishment

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Stoning to death with public watching, is a mandated form of punishment in Sharia, the Islamic law (per Sunna in Sahih Muslim 17:4191 and Sahih Bukhari 9:89:293).

Stoning is a legally practiced form of punishment in some Muslim-majority nations (but not all). In some Islamic nations, the law allows stoning, but the actual practice occurs extra-judicially, where the local Muslim community implements the sentence. Stoning is the punishment set for a legally married man or woman who has consensual sex with someone who he or she is not married to, for the crime of zina. The crime of zina occurs even if he or she is separated and waiting for sharia courts to approve a divorce, or if the woman is supposed to be observing religiously required iddah.

Data Source: Emma Batha, Stoning - where does it happen? Thomson Reuters Foundation, September 29 2013
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