Brennspiritus Bügeleisen
The iron has a tank at the back into which methylated spirits can be poured. This is fed through a pipe with a wick to the combustion chamber in the iron. Before starting the iron, the burner is removed and placed on the heating grid. After the spirit gases have been lit, it is pushed into the actual iron and heats it. After 10 minutes, the iron prepared in this way can be put into operation. The total of 36 holes in the side walls served to circulate the air. Under the large wooden handle which was also used on other models of this manufacturer and by other manufacturers. It is a steel plate decorated with floral motifs, which protects the ironer's hand from the hot exhaust gases from the burner. The lid on the storage vessel shows a fish (pike?) in a toothed ring and the letters C and K.
With electrification from around the 1900s - in rural areas from the 1920s - these irons were replaced by much easier-to-use electric irons. Its successor is the iron with the inventory number HR 53.Relevantní obrázky
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ŽehličkaŽehlička je zařízení sloužící k žehlení, čili vyhlazování tkaniny pomocí vysoké teploty a tlaku. Žehlení působí tak, že se vlivem teploty uvolňují vazby v molekulách polymerů tvořících vlákna tkaniny. Když jsou vlákna horká, pod tlakem žehličky se narovnávají a po ochlazení si uchovávají svůj tvar. U některých látek jako např. bavlna je potřeba též použít vodu. .. pokračovat ve čtení