Bundestaler IS rev

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"Bundestaler" by Jacob Stampfer (reverse side). Designed in ca. 1546, this medal was very successful and was frequently recast over the later decades of the 16th century.

Thirteen Cantons, numbered 1-13 (in order of precedence top to bottom [order of Fribourg, Solothurn not distinguishable without tincture]):

1. Zürich, 2. Bern, 3. Luzern, 4. Uri, 5. Schwyz, 6. Unterwalden, 7. Zug, 8. Glarus, 9. Basel, 10.-11. Fribourg & Solothurn, 12. Schaffhausen, 13. Appenzell.

Seven Associates (in same order of precedence top to bottom)

St. Gallen (abbot), St. Gallen (city), Three Leagues (represented only with the ibex of the Lega Caddea, c.f. Simmler 1576), Wallis, Rottweil, Mühlhausen, Biel.

This is one of the earliest depictions of a "Swiss cross" in heraldic context (an equilateral cross in the center of the cantonal coats of arms); heraldic use of what used to be a field sign attached to banners originates in this period; the first mention of a "Confederate cross" (Eidgenossen Crütz) dates to 1533. The elongated limbs of the Swiss cross as shown here have a length-to-width ratio of about 1.25 to 1.33, i.e. slightly more elongated than the modern standard of 7:6 = 1.17.

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