Captain (Capt) Vivian Bullwinkel (left) sitting
United States Army Signal Corps
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VX61330 Captain (Capt) Vivian Bullwinkel (left) sitting in a witness stand, giving evidence before the War Crimes Tribunal. Capt Bullwinkel was a nurse in the Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS), and was aboard the Vyner Brooke when it was attacked and sunk on 14 February 1942. She made it to shore almost immediately and the following morning she and British soldier, 7654688 Private (Pte) Cecil Gordon Kinsley, survived the massacre of the nurses, soldiers and civilians at the hands of the Japanese. They surrendered as prisoners of war (POWs) 12 days later and she was held in POW camps in Sumatra until September 1945. Pte Kinsley died soon after they were captured.
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Vivian BullwinkelováVivian Bullwinkelová byla australská armádní zdravotní sestra sloužící během druhé světové války. Jako jediná ze sester přežila masakr na ostrově Bangka 16. února 1942, zatímco 21 jejích kolegyň bylo japonskými vojáky zabito. .. pokračovat ve čtení