Character sketches of romance, fiction and the drama (1892) (14782796904)

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Identifier: charactersketche00inbrew (find matches)
Title: Character sketches of romance, fiction and the drama
Year: 1892 (1890s)
Authors: Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham
Subjects: Literature Allusions Fiction.
Publisher: New York,: E. Hess
Contributing Library: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries with support from LYRASIS and the Sloan Foundation

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ptain) as anheiress, and the mistress of Margarittasmansion. The captain marries her, andfinds out that all her swans are only geese. Leonora d^Este and Tasso IV. von Kaidbach, Artist J. L. Raab, Engraver TassoCy LOWLY I come to bring my work to thee,(J And yet I linger before presenting it. Although apparently it seem complete.Too voell I know it is unfinished still.But, if I cherished once an anxious fear.Lest I should bring thee an imperfect word,A new solicitude constrains me now ;I would not seem ungrateful, nor appearUnduly anxious, and as to his friends,A man can say but simply, Here I atn,That they, with kind forbearance, may rejoice.So I can only say, Receive my work ! Of you alone I thought while I composed;You to delight, was still my highest wish.You to enrapture, was my final aim.Who doth not in his friends behold the worldDeserves not that of him the world should hear.Here is my fatherland and here the sphereIn which my spirit only comes to dwell, Goethes Torquato Tasso.
Text Appearing After Image:
LEONORA DESTE AND TASSO. ESTIFANIA 393 ETHELBEET —Beaumont and Fletclier, Bule a Wife andHave a Wife (1640). Est-il-Posssible ? A nickname givento Greorge of Denmark (Queen Anneshusband), because bis general remark tothe most startling announcement was, Est-il possible f With this exclamation be ex-bausted tbe vials of bis wi-atb. It wasJames II. wbo gave bim tbe sobriquet. Estmere (2 syl.), king of England. Hewentwitb bis younger brotber Adler totbe court of King Adlands, to crave bisdaugbter in marriage; but King Adlandsreplied tbat Bremor, tbe sowdan, or sultanof Spain, bad forestalled bim. However,tbe lady, being consulted, gave ber voicein favor of tbe king of England. WbileEstmere and bis brotber went to makepreparations for tbe wedding, tbe sow-dan arrived, and demanded tbe lady towife. A messenger was immediately de-patcbed to inform Estmere, and tbe twobrotbers returned, disguised as a harperand his boy. Tbey gained entrance intotbe palace, and Adler sang, saying, 0ladye, t

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