Chronique de Frédégaire-deux personnages

NeznámýUnknown author
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The drawing comes from manuscript BNF MS Latin 10910 on Folio 23 verso. Monod (1885, Fn 1 p. 25) in his publication of the Latin text, suggested that it probably represents Eusebius and Jerome. The text in quasi Greek lettering has been transliterated on the drawing as "Cronicorum multiplicem ediderunt istoriam". This phrase is taken from the preface of the Chronicle of Isidore of Seville.(Goffart 1963, p. 211).
  • Monod, Gabriel (1885), Études critiques sur les sources de l'histoire mérovingienne. La Compilation dite de "Frédégaire" (in Latin), Paris: F. Vieweg.
  • Goffart, Walter (1963), "The Fredegar Problem Reconsidered", Speculum 38 (2): 206–241, JSTOR 2852450. Reprinted in Goffart, Walter (1989), Rome's Fall and After, London: Hambledon Press, pp. 319–354, ISBN 978-185285001-2.
Public domain
Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
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