Europe 1815 map en

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2284 x 1503 Pixel (1128991 Bytes)
Europe 1815. Political situation after the Congress of Vienna in June 1815.
Please don't alter the map when you think there is something not written or depicted correctly. Leave a message at the talk page of the file. After a verificiation and a possible discussion, I will upload a new map version with all new changes. This prevents an unnecessary waste of disk space and ensures a good result, aesthetically and content-wise. - The author.
Vlastní dílo. Source of Information:

Historical atlases
– Map "1815 - L'Europe après le Congrès de Vienne" (Author unknown)(Link)
– Ramsay Muir, George Philip (ed.): Philip's New School Atlas of Universal History, George Philip & Son, Ltd., London 1928
– Dr. Walter Leisering (ed.): Putzger Historischer Weltatlas, Cornelsen Verlag, Berlin 1992, ISBN 3-464-00176-8
– Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag (ed.): Großer Historischer Weltatlas, Dritter Teil, Neuzeit, Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag, München 1981, ISBN 3-7627-6021-7.
– Prof. Dr. Hans-Erich Stier, Prof. Dr. Ernst Kirsten a. o. (ed.): Großer Atlas zur Weltgeschichte, Orbis Verlag, München 1990, ISBN 3-7627-6021-7

Other publications
– Reinhard Stauber: Der Wiener Kongress, Böhlau Verlag, Wien/Köln/Weimar 2014, ISBN 978-3-8252-4095-0
– Thierry Lentz: 1815. Der Wiener Kongress und die Neugründung Europas, Siedler Verlag, München 2014, ISBN 978-3-8275-0027-4
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