FEM example of 2D solution

534 x 488 Pixel (66196 Bytes)
This is an example of a two-dimensional FEM (finite element method) solution for a cylindrically shaped magnetic shield. In this case "two dimensional" means that the picture shows a flat cross section of an assembly that extends to a large distance at right-angles to the paper (Cartesian coordinates). The rectangle outlined at the right of the picture is the component carrying the electrical current that creates the magnetic field. The cylindrical part is a material of high magnetic permeability (for example iron) and is shielding the area inside the cylinder from magnetic field by diverting the magnetic field. The curved lines represent the direction of magnetic field (or more specifically, lines of B, magnetic flux), and the color represents the magnetic flux density, as indicated by the color scale in the inset legend. Red is high amplitude, where the flux lines are more closely spaced. The color scale does not indicated the units, although it is possible they are Tesla. In the legend the vertical lines beside the 'B' indicate that the value plotted is the magnitude of the vector quantity B. The annotation "smoothed" indicates that the segmented lines (created by dividing the space into separate elements) have been smoothed for a more natural and correct appearance. The area inside the cylinder is low amplitude (dark blue, with widely spaced lines of magnetic flux)), suggesting that the shield is performing as it was designed to. See also Image:Example of 2D mesh.png
Self-made using Infolytica Corporation's MagNet software
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