Fas alternative splicing

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Alternative splicing of the fas apoptosis receptor.

a) The 5' splice site downstream from exon 6 in the fas pre-mRNA has a weak agreement with the consensus sequence, and is not bound usually by the U1 snRNP. b) Binding of TIA-1 protein to an intronic splicing enhancer site stabilizes binding of the U1 snRNP. The 5' donor site complex assists in binding of the splicing factor U2AF to the 3' splice site upstream of the exon. c) Binding of polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) to the ure6 exonic splicing silencer in exon 6 prevents the 5' complex from assisting in U2AF binding.

In situations a and c, exon 6 is skipped, giving an mRNA encoding a soluble protein product. In situation b, exon 6 is included, and the resulting mRNA encodes the membrane-bound isoform of fas protein, which stimulates programmed cell death (apoptosis).

Izquierdo JM, Majós N, Bonnal S, et al (August 2005). "Regulation of Fas alternative splicing by antagonistic effects of TIA-1 and PTB on exon definition". Mol. Cell 19 (4): 475–84. DOI:10.1016/j.molcel.2005.06.015. PMID 16109372.
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