Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina (construction sheet)

1290 x 690 Pixel (16717 Bytes)
Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina — construction sheet
Public domain

Vlastní dílo. This construction sheet is derived from multiple sources:

  • Law of the Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina at gov.ba.
  • Law of the Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina at hidex.com.ba (complete with what is presumed to be an image of the official legal specification drawing).
  • High resolution government EPS, JPG, and GIF files located at parlament.ba.

Article 3:

The flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina is blue. To the right of the center is a yellow triangle. Parallel to the left side of the triangle, from the upper edge of the flag to the lower edge, stretches a row of white five-pointed stars. The flag is rectangular in shape. The ratio between the length and width of the flag is 1:2.

Article 4:

Measures and technical specifications related to the graphic design and dimensions of the flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina that are attached to this law are its integral part.
— articles 3 and 4 from the Law on the Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The specification drawing provides:

  • Precise dimensions and location of the triangle.
  • Diameter of the stars.

The triangle is isosceles with one edge running at 45° relative to the edges of the flag. According to the law, the stars are supposed to parallel to the triangle's edge, so it stands that the line of stars must run in a precise 45° line.

The law does not explicitly dictate the precise placement of the stars. Close examination of the government EPS drawing reveals most of the intended geometry:

  • The stars are regular pentagrams.
  • One point on each star points up.
  • The stars were clearly intended to be equally spaced. Spacing inconstances in the drawings are small enough that they are assumed to be errors.
  • The topmost star is positioned such that two of its inner vertices sit precisely on the top edge of the flag.
  • The lowermost star is positioned such that two of its inner vertices sit precisely on the bottom edge of the flag.

The only missing information is the precise horizontal positioning of the line of stars. Based on measurements from the government EPS drawing, the vertical centerline of the centre star is located at distance from the hoist that is roughly 42.4% of the length of the flag. The centre star was chosen for the measurement because the line of stars in the EPS drawing runs at about 45.5° instead of the 45° dictated by the law. The same measurement repeated on the specification drawing reveals a distance of about 41.8% of the length of the flag with the line of stars again at 45.5°.

For the purpose of this Wikimedia construction sheet, the distance from the hoist to the vertical centerline of the centre star is assumed to be exactly 42.0% of the length of the flag. All the other stars are laid out with equal spacing on a precise 45° degree line. Vertical coordinates of the stars are controlled by the intersections of the top and bottom stars with the flag edges.
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