Flickr - Israel Defense Forces - Weaponry Found On-Board the "Victoria"

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March 16, 2011

Pictured here: There were approximately 2,500 mortar shells on the "Victoria" ship. The weaponry was transferred without the knowledge of the vessel's crew.

The IDF Navy intercepted the cargo vessel “Victoria” loaded with various weaponry. According to assessments, the weaponry on-board the vessel was intended for the use of terror organizations operating in the Gaza Strip. The vessel, flying under a Liberian flag, was intercepted some 200 miles west of Israel’s coast. This incident was part of the Navy’s routine activity to maintain security and prevent arms smuggling, in light of IDF security assessments.

The vessel initially departed from the Lattakia Port in Syria, and then proceeded to Mersin Port in Turkey. The IDF emphasizes that Turkey has no connection to this incident regarding the weaponry uncovered on-board.

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