
Dennis Fernkes - Edina, Minnesota, USA
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Monument to en:Buddy Holly, en:Richie Valens, and J.P. Richardson (“en:The Big Bopper”). Location: Approximately 8 miles north of en:Clear Lake, Iowa
Directions: US 18 to North 8th Street north in Clear Lake for 4.7 miles. When the paved road (which has turned into Grouse Avenue) turns left (west), go right (east) on gravel road (310th Street), then immediately left (north) on Gull Avenue. Follow Gull Avenue for 1/2 mile, just past the grain bins to t-intersection of a gravel road from the right and first fence row on left (west). The fence begins at the street sign for "Gull Ave." and "315th St." Walk along the fence row west for just under 1/2 mile.

Directions to Crash Site: From U.S. Highway 18, go north on North 8th Street in Clear Lake for 4.7 miles. When the paved road (which has turned into Grouse Avenue) turns to your left (west), take the gravel road (310th Street) to your right (east), then immediately left (north) on Gull Avenue. Follow Gull Avenue to the north for one-half mile, just past the grain bins to the first fence row on your left (west). Walk along the fence row towards the west for just under one-half mile. A small memorial is located at the place the plane came to rest. Four trees were also planted along the fence row in 1999, one for each performer and the pilot.
Komentář k Licence:
Public domain Fernkes, autor tohoto díla, jej uvolnil jako volné dílo, a to celosvětově.

V některých zemích to není podle zákona možné; v takovém případě:
Fernkes poskytuje komukoli právo užívat toto dílo za libovolným účelem, a to bezpodmínečně s výjimkou podmínek vyžadovaných zákonem.

Public domain
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Den, kdy zemřela hudba

Den, kdy zemřela hudba je symbolické označení data tragické letecké nehody, která se odehrála 3. února 1959 nedaleko města Clear Lake na severu Iowy. Zemřeli při ní tři slavní rokenroloví hudebníci Buddy Holly (†22), Ritchie Valens (†17) a J. P. „The Big Bopper“ Richardson (†28). .. pokračovat ve čtení