Homo lineage 2017update

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phylogeny of the Homo genus, based on Stringer, C. (2012). "What makes a modern human". Nature 485 (7396): 33–35. doi:10.1038/485033a, with modifications.

The following features are based on Stringer (2012).

  • H. heidelbergensis is shown as the link between Neanderthals, Denosiovans and H. sapiens
  • Division of Asian H. erectus into Java Man and Peking Man
  • H. antecessor shown as a branch of H. erectus reaching Europe
  • After H. sapiens emerge from Africa some 60 kya they spread across the globe and interbred with other descendants of H. heidelbergensis, and Neanderthals, Denisovans

Modifications based on other publications:

  • H. floresiensis in Springer is incertae sedis, it is here shown as a branch of Asian H. erectus extinct some 50 kya; this seems to be the emerging consensus as of 2016; e.g. van den Bergh, G. D. et al. (2016-06-08). "Homo floresiensis-like fossils from the early Middle Pleistocene of Flores". Nature. 534 (7606): 245–248. doi:10.1038/nature17999.
  • multiple admixture events to Sub-Saharan African populations:
    • archaic admixture to hunter-gatherer groups (Biaka Pygmies and San), with a separation time of some 700kya: Hammer et al. (2011). "Genetic evidence for archaic admixture in Africa" (PDF). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 108 (37): 15123–15128. doi:10.1073/pnas.1109300108.
    • archaic admixture to hunter-gatherer groups (Pygmies, Hadza and Sandawe) with a separation time of 1.2 Mya: Lachance, J. et al. (2012). "Evolutionary History and Adaptation from High-Coverage Whole-Genome Sequences of Diverse African Hunter-Gatherers". Cell. 150 (3): 457–469. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2012.07.009. PMC 3426505 Freely accessible. PMID 22840920.
    • archaic admixture to West African agricultural populations (Mende and Yoruba): Xu, D. et al. (2017). "Archaic Hominin Introgression in Africa Contributes to Functional Salivary MUC7 Genetic Variation". Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34 (10): 2704–2715.
  • more articulation is shown for H. erectus in Africa, including a sub-branch leading to H. naledi, which as of 2017 has been dated to about 330-230 kya. Dirks, Paul H.G.M.; Roberts, Eric M.; et al. (9 May 2017). "The age of Homo naledi and associated sediments in the Rising Star Cave, South Africa". eLife. 6: e24231. doi:10.7554/eLife.24231 Freely accessible.
  • H. erectus is shown as emerging from H. habilis some 1.8 Mya; H. habilis is shown as persisting in Africa alongside H. erectus until about 1.5 Mya.
  • late survival of robust australopithecines (Paranthropus) until about 1.2 Mya is indicated in purple.
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