Illustrated Armenia and the Armenians (1908) (14780862374)
Identifier: illustratedarmen01gaid (find matches)
Title: Illustrated Armenia and the Armenians
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Authors: Gaidzakian, Ohan, 1837-1914. (from old catalog)
Publisher: Boston, B. H. Aznive
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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Rome, as I have said, and after a coupleof years he made peace and gave toleration again. The turn-ing of Persian Armenia into a satrapy in 428, but no freshpersecution was undertaken till that of Yasgerd 11. in 439,ending in Vartans revolt just detailed. Shahpur of Armeniawas a Prince of great wisdom, generosity, and public spirit;he patronized men of learning, founded schools, made largegrants from the treasury for scholarship, and sent scholarsto all the great seats of learning to teach and acquire the lan-guages, literature, and history of other nations, after whichthey wrote and translated hundreds of volumes. Among themwere Tavit, Khosrohl, Mampre, and Zazer; a great historian,Eghishe, author of the life of Prince Vartan, and a greatphilosopher, Yeznic. These are only a few out of scoresworthy of mention. Dr. Philip Schafif says: In spite of the unfavorable stateof political and social affairs in Armenia, during this epoch,more than six hundred Greek and Syriac works were trans-
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MOSES KHORENTZI. AND THE ARMENIANS. 139 lated within the forty years after the translation of the Bible,and as in many cases the original works have perished, whilethe translations have been preserved, the great importance ofthis whole literary activity is apparent. Among works whichin this way have come down to us are several books by Philo-Alexandrinus, on providence, and reason, commentaries, etc.;the Chronicle of Eusebius, nearly complete; the Epistles ofIgnatius, translated from a Syrian version; fifteen homiliesby Severianus; the exegetical writings of Ephriam,Syros, previously completely unknown, and the historicalbooks of the Old Testament, the Synoptical Gospels, the Para-bles of Jesus, and the fourteen Pauline Epistles; the Hexahe-meran of Basil the Great; the Catechesis of Cyril of Jerusalem;several homilies by Chrysostom, etc. The period, however,was not characterized by translations only. Several of thedisciples of Mesrop and Sahak left original works. Esnikwrote four boo
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