Kennzeichen für Schutzhäftlinge in den Konzentrationslagern

NeznámýUnknown author
351 x 526 Pixel (110317 Bytes)
Shows triangle marking system for prisoners in German concentration camps distinguished by form and colour of the marks. The table is divided into rows for basic prisoner colours (Grundfarben für Häftlinge), badges for reoffenders (Abzeichen für Rückfällige), prisoners in the punishment platoon (Häftlinge der Strafkompanie), badges for Jews (Abzeichen für Juden), and special marks (Besondere Abzeichen), as well as columns for various types of accusations: political prisoners (politisch), career criminals (Berufsverbrecher, [lit.: professional criminal]), emigrant(s), Jehovah's Witnesses (Bibelforscher [lit.: Bible researchers]), homosexuals (homosexuell), and antisocial persons (asozial). The special marks include "Jewish miscegenationists" (jüd[ische] Rasseschänder), female miscegenationists (Rasseschänderin), persons presenting a flight risk (fluchtverdächtigt), the prisoner's inmate ID number (Häftlingsnummer), identification of Polish and Czech prisoners (Pole, Tscheche) by a "P" or "T" in the triangle, Wehrmacht (German army) personnel (Wehrmacht Angehöriger) and celebrities (Häftling Ia). An example sleeve of a prisoner's dress is shown in the lower right section (Beispiel).
Jews were identified by an upright yellow triangle under the main classification triangle
Komentář k Licence:
"Picture content is from early 1930s. Picture was taken later for US State museum, in public domain. Can be used in Wikipedia if quoted that United States Holocaust Memorial Museum has posted the picture first."
Public domain
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