Lanfang Republic Reconstructed Flag

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This is a reconstructed flag of the Lanfang Republic created by Reddit user u/pcdandy, in order to correct the most likely incorrect flag of the Lanfang Republic on Wikipedia. The description used to reconstruct this flag is taken from the book "Hakka People: The Jews of the Orient" by Kao Chung Xi, which is as follows:

"...The flag is a rectangle yellow flag with the word Lan Fang Ta Tong Chi. The president flag is a triangular yellow flag with the word Chuao (General)..."

Please keep in mind this is indeed a reconstruction. Other than this, there is very little else to go off of, like dimension, etc. The previous flag has even flimsier records, and the text (which reads just 'Hakka') is quite incorrect, even with the sources we have.
Public domain
高宗熹 (1992) (chinese) Hakka People: The Jews of the Orient, 武陵出版有限公司 ISBN: 9789573506034.
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