Libyan Revolt, shekel, 241-238 BC

(c) Classical Numismatic Group, Inc., CC BY-SA 2.5

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CARTHAGE, Libyan Revolt. Circa 241-238 BC. BI Shekel (23mm, 7.32 g, 11h). Uncertain mint in northern Africa. Head of Herakles left, wearing lion skin / Lion standing right; Punic M above. Carradice & La Niece 1; CNP 433b; MAA 53; SNG Copenhagen 239. Good VF, overstruck on an uncertain issue (see below). Excellent metal for type, unusually well centered and complete on a broad flan.

Ex Bruun-Rasmussen 874 (7 November 2017), lot 211.

This type is normally found on clearly billon flans, but this coin appears to be struck on a much higher quality metal. There are traces of the undertype visible, but none are distinct enough to suggest a particular issue, save for what appears to be the tail of a dolphin or hippocamp near the edge on the obverse, at the forehead of Herakles. The undertype must be of a similar weight standard. The only issue that seems to fit is the Ibero-Punic shekel with a male head on the obverse and a reverse featuring a prow facing right, below which a dolphin swims right (ACIP 543). These are typically silver issues, and many pieces are of a good quality silver, similar to that found here. If this identification of the undertype is correct, this would necessitate a redating of the present type, or the Iberian shekels, since the latter are traditionally dated circa 237-209 BC, immediately following the Libyan revolt.
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