Mars Hand Lens Imager Test Photo

NASA/JPL-Caltech/Malin Space Science Systems
1600 x 1200 Pixel (412809 Bytes)
This view of grains from a sand dune near Christmas Lake, Ore., was taken by a test version of the Mars Hand Lens Imager camera on Curiosity, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory, which is slated to launch in fall 2011. The image includes three manufactured spheres; each is a 2-millimeter-diameter (0.08-inch-diameter) ball bearing, placed to provide an independent measure of the image scale. Reflected in each sphere is the glow from the camera's four white light-emitting diodes. This image has a resolution of 15.4 microns per pixel, which is about twice as high as the camera resolution on Mars Rovers Spirit and Opportunity. The view covers an area about 1 inch, or 2.5 centimeters, across.
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