Mars Observer preparations

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In the Payload Hazardous Servicing Facility, the integrated Mars Observer/Transfer Orbit Stage (TOS) payload is ready for encapsulation in the Titan III nose fairing. The TOS booster maiden flight was dedicated to Thomas O. Paine, a former NASA administrator who strongly supported interplanetary exploration and was an early backer of the TOS program. Launched September 25, 1992 from the Kernedy Space Flight Center aboard a Titan III rocket and the TOS, the Mars Observer spacecraft was to be the first U.S. spacecraft to study Mars since the Viking missions 18 years prior. Unfortunately, the Mars Observer spacecraft fell silent just 3 days prior to entering orbit around Mars.
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Mars Observer

Mars Observer byla vědecká sonda NASA určená pro geologický průzkum a studium klimatu planety Mars z oběžné dráhy. Odstartovala 25. září 1992 pomocí rakety Titan 3 z letecké základny Eastern Test Range na mysu Canaveral. Tři dny před vstupem na oběžnou dráhu planety byl se sondou ztracen rádiový kontakt a už nikdy nebyl obnoven. .. pokračovat ve čtení