Messier 76 – The Little Dumbbell Nebula in Perseus

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2746 x 2502 Pixel (269243 Bytes)
It took some effort to bring out any details in this Messier object! M76 is a planetary nebula found in the constellation Perseus, it has a magnitude of 10.1 and is about 2,500 light years away. Initial imaging on October 19th produced a very flat image with no details, an addition 25 minutes of data was obtained on November 4th, more is needed.

Tech Specs: This image is composed of 180 x 15 second images (45-minutes total) at ISO 3200 with 10 x 15 second dark frames and 10 x 1/4000 second bias frames. Equipment: Meade LX90 12” telescope and Canon 6D camera mounted on a Celestron CGEM-DX mount, unguided. Software: DeepSkyStacker, ImagesPlus, and Adobe Lightroom. Imaging was done on October 19 and November 4, 2016. Location: Weatherly, Pennsylvania.

Online Resources: Wikipedia ( SEDS (

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