Opportunity at Victoria Crater from Mars reconnaissance orbiter

NASA/JPL/University of Arizona
1941 x 1230 Pixel (1202272 Bytes)
Summary- Mars Rover "Opportunity" at Victoria crater, as viewed from orbit on October 3, 2006. Note the shadow of the rover's camera mast.

Original JPL site caption: "This image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity near the rim of "Victoria Crater." Victoria is an impact crater about 800 meters (half a mile) in diameter at Meridiani Planum near the equator of Mars. Opportunity has been operating on Mars since January, 2004. Five days before this image was taken, Opportunity arrived at the rim of Victoria, after a drive of more than 9 kilometers (over 5 miles). It then drove to the position where it is seen in this image.

Shown in the image are "Duck Bay," the eroded segment of the crater rim where Opportunity first arrived at the crater; "Cabo Frio," a sharp promontory to the south of Duck Bay; and "Cape Verde," another promontory to the north. When viewed at the highest resolution, this image shows the rover itself, wheel tracks in the soil behind it, and the rover's shadow, including the shadow of the camera mast. After this image was taken, Opportunity moved to the very tip of Cape Verde to perform more imaging of the interior of the crater.

This view is a portion of an image taken by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft on Oct. 3, 2006. The complete image is centered at minus7.8 degrees latitude, 279.5 degrees East longitude. The range to the target site was 297 kilometers (185.6 miles). At this distance the image scale is 29.7 centimeters (12 inches) per pixel (with 1 x 1 binning) so objects about 89 centimeters (35 inches) across are resolved. North is up. The image was taken at a local Mars time of 3:30 PM and the scene is illuminated from the west with a solar incidence angle of 59.7 degrees, thus the sun was about 30.3 degrees above the horizon."
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Opportunity je druhou ze dvojice planetárních sond programu Mars Exploration Rover americké agentury NASA, která měla za úkol přistát na Marsu a provádět geologický průzkum povrchu. Její hlavní částí je robotické vozidlo zvané rover. Start se uskutečnil 8. července 2003 v 03:18:15 UT pomocí nosné rakety Delta II 7925. Přistávací modul (lander) dopadl na povrch Marsu 25. ledna 2004 po 203 dnech letu vesmírem. Přistání proběhlo v oblasti Meridiani Planum podobným způsobem, jako jeho dvojče Spirit a předchůdce Mars Pathfinder. .. pokračovat ve čtení